A curiosity in Abbadia: all measurements are in decimal system. This may
seem normal since we are at the end of the nineteenth century but it concerns measures of both angles and timings.
If ancient Egypt and China were already using decimal measures of time, it was not the same for peoples under the Babylonian influence:
the sexagesimal system for angles and hours had the advantage of having many of divisor. The decimal system did not even allow division
by 4 in integers, which did not go well on the clocks. This is probably the cause of the abandon of decimal hours but of the conservation
- which will not be universal - of grades for angles.
Let's explain the decimal system of time:
-the day of 24h is divided into 10 hours, each hour being divided into 100 decimal minutes divided
into 100 decimal seconds. One day contains 1000 decimal minutes (instead of 1440 sexagesimal minutes)
and 100 000 decimal seconds (instead of 86400 sexagesimal seconds).
The decimal time was officially introduced in France during the Revolution by the decree of the 4th Frimaire of Year II (November 24, 1793) but was abolished in 1795! It should be noted that astronomers use a decimal time with the Julian period where each day is numbered from January 1, -4712 at noon and each moment noted by its decimal fraction of a day.